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Srila Prabhupada Shuddha Harinam Center

Chanting 64 Rounds Harinam Daily

  • Shri Krishna accepts offerings when someone chants for at least 64 rounds daily.
  • Harinama gives the highest pleasure because it covers all 64 limbs of devotional service.
  • By Serving the Holy Names of the Lord, you complete your service to the Divine couple.
  • Develop taste for chanting the Holy Names, and realize the sound vibrations of the Lord are non-different from Him.

The importance of spiritual training in one’s life cannot be stressed enough

The Necessity of Guidance

"For one who does not take personal training under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, it is impossible to even begin to understand Krishna." — BG 11.54 Purport by Srila Prabhupada

The Path to Pure Love

"To achieve success in this way, one must first find the proper spiritual master and receive training under his direction. Then one can achieve faith in the Supreme. When that faith matures, in course of time, it is called love of God." — BG 17.28 Purport by Srila Prabhupada

Transcendental Intelligence

"And by such training, even for some days, the neophyte devotee gets intelligence in such transcendental service, which leads him ultimately to get free from perpetual inhabitation in the material worlds and to be promoted to the transcendental world." — SB 1.6.23 Purport by Srila Prabhupada

As Srila Prabhupada said above, training under a bona-fide spiritual master is the first step toward making spiritual advancement. Because of this, Dharmavira Prabhu took a step down from his position and started the Harinam program.

"A bona fide spiritual master is a representative of Krishna. If he bestows any blessings upon his disciple, that will make the disciple immediately advanced without the disciple's following the regulative principles. Or, the regulative principles will be easier for one who has served the spiritual master without reservation." — BG 13.8-12 Purport by Srila Prabhupada

Sri Dharmavira Prabhu personally trains the aspiring sincere sadhakas at his place Sri Radhakund

Anyone living at Sri Radhakund Dham with Sri Dharmavira Prabhu will tell you how simple it is to live there. The food given to all the sadhakas who stay there are healthy – so healthy in fact, that it will help suppress your appetite, which helps in getting a good night’s sleep and rising early the next morning. Srila Gurudev has created a peaceful environment where everyone feels comfortable to go out on Harinam with him each day. It is also an ideal opportunity for sadhakas staying at the ashram to serve Srila Gurudev personally and express their concerns to him directly.

Get Started

We’re pleased to offer this training program at our Radhakund Location, the schedule is as follows:

2:00 AM Wake up alarm

3:00 AM Chanting with Srila Gurudev

6:00 AM Sri Radhakund Parikrama

8:00 AM Rest in the room

9:00 AM Breakfast

10:00 AM Rest in the room

11:00 pm Chanting with Srila Gurudev at Radhakund

1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Rest in the room

4:00 pm Chanting with Srila Gurudev at Radhakund

6:00 pm Return to the room

6:00 pm Sleep

The returns on pious activities are not comparable to the extensive benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra because it has unlimited potency and power.

go-koṭi-dānaṁ grahaṇe khagasya
yajñāyutaṁ meru-suvarṇa-dānaṁ
govinda-kīrter na samaṁ śatāṁśaiḥ

“Even if one distributes ten million cows in charity during an eclipse of the sun, lives at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamunā for millions of years, or gives a mountain of gold in sacrifice to the brāhmaṇas, he does not earn one hundredth part of the merit derived from chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa.” – CC Ādi 3.79 Purport

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